恒升网格导电袋 Conductive grid bag PE防静电袋

防静电网格袋,恒升网格导电袋 Conductive grid bag PE防静电袋是由低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)+线性型低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE)+抗静电母料+色母+稳定剂混合吹塑成型,然后热封切断成型。HESION GROUP该产品具有普通PE袋所有特性及防静电功能。其材料手感较柔和,厚度可自由定制生产,在印刷电路板等一般电子产品中广泛使用。作为外包装既节约成本又可以保护电子产品不会因绝缘体之间相互摩擦而产生静电损坏电子组件。该防静电袋是印刷电路板的最佳包装材料,使印刷电路板的静电产生得到可释放,避免损坏。技术指标如下:符合MIL-B-81705B;内外表面电阻是108Ω--≤1011Ω。 静电释放时间小于2秒。可根据客户的规格要求制成片材,卷材,平口袋,信封袋。颜色也可根据客户要求定做。HESION Anti-static PE bag is first blow molded out from the compound of LDPE, LLDPE, anti-static additive, color pigment and stabilityingredient , and then hot sealed and cut into bags. This product has anti-static function as well as all characteristics that the common PE bag has. Its material fells very soft and the thickness can be adjusted freely, which made it widely used to pack general electronical products like printed circuit board. As an over-wrap, on one hand, it can economize cost, on the other hand, it can keep electronic components away from static damage caused by insulator rubs mutually. HESION ANTISTATIC PRODUCT CO., LTD. It is the best choice for packaging PCB, for it can keep the PCB away from being damaged by effectively and timely releasing the static generated on the PCB. Its technical indexes as following: method MIL-B-81705B; inner and outer surface resistance is between 108Ω and 1011Ω; time needed for static removal is less than 2 seconds. In accordance with customers’ required specification it can be make into sheet, coil, bottom seal bag and envelope bag. And in terms of color it can be customized made.
